Saree 14/2019

Saree #14/2019 #kiraan
Traveling forces you to trust strangers and lose sight of all that familiar comforts of home and friends. Constantly off balance , nothing is yours except the essential things. Air, sleep, dream, sea, sky and all things tending towards the eternal or what you imagine of it.
My last posts were from kerala and all the farewell parties that we were a part of with our posting out from the unit . My husband who is a doctor in the army commanded the military hospital in kannur and got posted out to himachal . Distance between the two cities is 3050 kms. With our pets it is given that we were going to drive to the new destination as we have never ever sent them by any other conveyance . No discussions or doubts. Meticulous plans were made which included our stops for the day, bookings in pet friendly hotels, dry food ,mattresses, bed sheets and towels for the pets, and our bags.
The entire household stuff gets couriered to the new destination which reaches before us but the fauji will always carry a uniform , a pair of shoes and his laptop just in case he reaches the unit before the truck does. So big suitcases were covered and tied to the carrier of the car , a small duffel with our clothes for the week and we set out on our adventurous journey of 8 days crossing 8 states.
With the pets we decided to drive around 450-500 kms per day , so they got ample rest and were comfortable. We were lucky enough to get fabulous accommodation which were booked well in advance in all the cities , but chicken for the pets was like an elusive dream so they had to make do with omelette and bread most of the time.
Like the saying goes the more you travel away from home the closer you get to each other, we as a couple have always loved road travel . We have done the length and breadth of the country by road. The longest being a 21 day travel from Belgaum to a Jaipur and back. Each road trip has given us such amazing memories and experiences. Looking forward to more such trips exploring this beautiful country.
My saree for the day is a tusser in stunning pink , blouse has herringbone stitches on the borders embroidered by me and silver jewelry again designed by me .