
Saree #16/2019
New destination.
New home.
New surroundings.
New command.
You take it all in stride , because you have committed to do so. The job demands you relocate to different parts of the country every 3 years and as a spouse I try and be of as much help as I can be. Driving down with the pets on a 8 day trip around 8 states , sounds exciting and adventurous. Reality is a tad different.
My presence does have a calming effect on the partner and the fur babies but that doesn’t help when it comes to their food. All the tricks and treats in the world will not convince them to eat . Anxiety and stress are as much a part of their mental state as is ours, maybe more so. They are clueless as to why they are sleeping in a different room everyday,seeing new faces and refuse to eat or drink. Vet is consulted and he suggests we don’t worry as anxiety related eating disorders can last a fortnight and as long as they drink water there’s nothing to worry about. So vanilla ice cream and Amul flavored milk come to the rescue.
Anyways , we reached our new destination and the house allotted to us wasn’t ready to move in yet ,thanks to the civilian contractors hired for the job. We move in anyways ,as we don’t want the fur babies anxiety to continue. Boxes are unpacked, cupboards are filled, toys and beds are laid out so the pets start eating, which they did from day 2.
Now , day 4 the contractors arrive to fix the false ceiling. Things have to be moved, a dozen or so men walk in and out of the house. Pets don’t like it . They have accepted enough new people into their lives already. What do we do ? We pack a picnic basket and move to the officers mess for a day and spend the day here, pets and pet parents.
Mom decides to drape a satin saree , one because she loves the drape , two because she doesn’t have to wear a jacket to cover herself with the nice chill weather.
Saree: printed satin
Jewelry : Nnazaquat