My saree story 12

Saree #12/2019 #kiraan

Every block of stone has a statue inside it and it is the task of the sculptor to discover it – Michelangelo.
In this case , the sculptor was discovered first and he later discovered the Buddha in this stone. Every good leader can bring out the best in their employees and identify the skill set and help enhance them . One of the Jawans was thus encouraged to continue with his hobby of sculpting and adding value to the massive army unit .
It’s an absolute pleasure to find his work under the shaded trees perched on platforms specially designed for his sculptors all over the cantonment.
My saree for the evening is a tusser silk which is produced from larvae of several species of silk worms . Apart from india these are produced in china, Japan and Sri Lanka. Accessories are oxidized silver from nnazaquat.🙂