My Saree Story #10

Saree #10/2019
Every posting or transfer brings with it nostalgia, anxiety and a vacuum for leaving behind friends you have made during your tenure here.I have been traveling to and fro between two coastal towns goa and kannur for the last 3 years.
Considering the limited time I have spent here as compared to my husband I have surprisingly made a lot of friends not to forget our own young officers who are a part of the unit. Every officer connects with you in a different way , each bond strong and never to be forgotten. One will win your heart by driving you to a distant temple , sing a yesudas number flawlessly , host a perfect Kerala dinner for you with the finest of cuisines or have a heart to heart with such wisdom that you want to hug him tight . While another will have you in splits with his anecdotes of goof ups he has done during his tenure here and how his CO has shown largesse and held his hand and had his back. Then there are a couple of officers who will smile and observe everyone choosing to remain silent but clapping and cheering at a good joke. Each one equally important in their own way contribute to make a unit a conducive one to work and party . This is the family we leave behind every time we get posted out . We get lucky when we bump into them in different stations over the years and catch up as if we had never parted. These days Whatssap groups and Facebook has helped stay in touch , celebrating milestones and sharing stories over phone calls .
It surely is more difficult for my husband to leave behind officers who have got attuned to his way of working , staff who understand him as a commanding officer and together they have successfully and smoothly run a unit. To leave behind a core team never knowing if you are going to bump into each other ever is an uncertainty which is as much a part of fauji life as the famous glitterati gatherings. Arriving at your new destination alone and again tuning in with every officer, clerk, Jawaan for your office as well as home is a humongous task in itself.
That’s something you sign up for when you choose the OG attire and the heavy boots not to forget the stars and ribbons you have earned over the years as a proud fauji who has pledged and dedicated his life to serving his country.
My saree for today is a bright shaded orange in chinon, with a sleeveless blouse embroidered with seed beads on one shoulder and jewelry designed by me. Jewelry is designed by me for my brand NNazaquat. .