My Saree story #4

Army wives have a few distinct features setting them apart ,ever conscious of their style and panache from the styling of hairs,the flawless make up ,the matching of their stilettos to their bangles to their neatly pressed dresses . One can identify from the first glance .
The glitterati of social evenings, the panache of a ladies meet, the sobriety of a welfare, fun at a pagal gymkhana or the vying of sports tournaments drive Army wives to present themselves at the best of their capacities only to epitomise the grace of this Army world. And you know the secret behind their ever ready Avatar?
Years of picking up skills and trinkets , imbibing from seniors, travelling and learning a little bit of culture from every part of the country , ever ready and enthusiastic to be a part of every activity and being a part of such a large family . Not to forget the local craft that they love to collect , which enhances their wardrobe making it culturally rich .

Coming to our story , with the husbands posting order to travel in less then 3 weeks all our belongings got neatly packed and labelled in our black trunks which are on their way to the other end of the country . For the three weeks in this station , a careful selection of clothes were kept behind from sarees to denims, casual wear and formals , two pairs of footwear with some accessories and not to forget the exercise gear . Living out of a suitcase and yet turning out impeccably dressed is a skill we master over the years .
With our travel date coming closer , our evenings are booked for the numerous dining out parties hosted by our officers, unit and civilian friends whom we bonded with during our tenure here .
My saree for this warm evening is a batik in a bright and interesting pattern , the saree is divided into four panels of prints and plain with a blouse of tiny square print .
Jewelry needless to say is oxidized silver from nnazaquat . My bindi is a hand drawn one with eye liner .