life in Goa

As an entrepreneur it’s easy to get sucked into your own work without realizing the crazy working hours you are putting in. Most of the times forgetting why you became an entrepreneur in the first place which is to be your own boss .You end up accommodating people and stretching your day foolishly believing that after the teething period things will settle and you can put your feet up whenever you want to. It’s an addiction, the more you succeed the more you want to work. I did it for nearly two decades, working from 8 hour days to 15 hour days till I decided I needed to put a stop to this madness.
Liberated is what I felt when I decided to move to Goa and work from home doing what I loved and when I wanted to do it. Now the alarm doesn’t go off making me jump from bed to kick start my day, I don’t need to plan my day based on the commitments I have made, nor do I have to be in the other end of town for a meeting wading my way through the mad traffic and battling the harsh weather, am not worried about what I will wear and whether it would suit all the activities planned for the day. Work for me is my workshop and my net connecting me to my world.
My transit to work takes a few minutes as I walk in my pajamas from my bed to my workshop with cookie tagging along. FM & are my entertainment partners waiting for me and both are happy to oblige with the flick of a button. After having decided to take my future in my own hands and not run around like a headless frenzied chicken my designs have got better. I don’t need to work with set instructions or customize and fear rejection, designing for the pleasure of it and doing so because I love the colors, the process, the technique and I rejoice at the end result.
Getting my priorities right couldn’t come at a more appropriate time. My family, my passion for travel, work and my books manage to get my ample attention. There are days when I miss the dressing up to go to work and that’s when I drape a saree and walk in my stilettos to work with cookie giving me quizzical looks confused whether Mom wants to stay home or take me for a drive.